alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established at the University of California at Berkeley in the Fall of 1989, and recognized by the College Panhellenic Association on February 7th, 1990. The fourteen founding sisters: Betty Chu, Karin Co, Susan Kim, Nancy Lee, Sherri Leung, Annie Loo, Belinda Ma, Anita Ng, Serene Ngin, Fannie Pon, Josie Sun, Daisy Wu, Jill Yoshimura, and Reina Yuan, dedicated themselves to establishing a strong and lasting organization, which would provide Asian-American women the opportunity to participate in the Greek system. Soon after being recognized by the College Panhellenic Association, the founding sisters brought together a diverse group of women who shared with them the goals of sisterhood, scholarship, and leadership. These ideals were to later set the foundation for alpha Kappa Delta Phi's purpose.

alpha Kappa Delta Phi is the first and only international Asian-interest sorority with 55 chapters at various universities and colleges throughout the United States and Canada. This sisterhood is also the largest and fastest growing Asian-interest sorority to this day. With the support of thousands of active sisters and alumnae, the growth of strong and successful women continues to expand.

Thirteen strong and passionate women came together in search of a group that would motivate them to reach their highest potential and fulfill their personal and career goals. Inspired by the standards and values of alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc., they created PHOENIx in December 2014 in hopes of bringing a new Asian-interest sorority to the University of Iowa. The acronym PHOENix stood for Pride, Harmony, Opportunity, Empowerment, Nurture, Inspire, and eXuberance, and served as the seven pillars each member strived to uphold. The members of PHOENIx: Leslie Chareunsab, Jenny Chuong, Mindy Chuong, Vicky Chuong, Avonleigha Lee, Jane Nguyen, Julie Nguyen, Cindy Ni, Thao Phan, Sarah Thao, Pahoua Vang, Tracy Vo, and Lydia Zhu, wished to create an opportunity for not only Asian women but for women from all backgrounds to participate in Greek life at the University of Iowa. While promoting the pillars of PHOENIx and aKDPhi through workshops and events, the members built strong relationships within their university and their community.
As a result of their hard work and determination, PHOENIx was extended a bid from alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. on February 7th, 2016. With the support and guidance from their Host Chapter, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Associate Chapter, and New Member Educator, Janice Lam, the Charter Class dedicated themselves to building a solid foundation for future sisters. On April 2nd, 2016, these thirteen extraordinary women established the 52nd chapter of alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. at the University of Iowa!
To continue the sisterhood after graduation, the National Alumnae Board of alpha Kappa Delta Phi was established in the Fall of 2002 under the initiation of the National Board Alumnae Chair, Sophia Yen, UC Berkeley alumna. The 2002 – 2003 National Alumnae Board then set the foundation for the establishment of the National Alumnae Association. The National Alumnae Board consists of eight elected members under the leadership of the National Alumnae Board President.
As sisters of αΚΔΦ, our experiences as members have molded our lives in some way. We recognize that our time was limited as collegiate members; however, as alumnae members of αΚΔΦ, we benefit from a Timeless Friendship Through Sisterhood. Our past has brought us together, and our future will help us grow. The alpha Kappa Delta Phi National Alumnae Association is committed to helping our members realize the potential of our sorority’s network by aiding their professional development as leaders in career, philanthropy, and scholarship. We will continue to develop benefits for our members and will continue to evaluate the successes of our programs. Our passion for this sisterhood will drive our dedication to the organization and its initiatives. With this promise, we will become the leading avenue for our members upon graduation and beyond.


The University of Iowa alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. Chapter Alumnae Association was established on September 4, 2017, in hopes of continuing the sorority’s values and traditions beyond graduation. The Chapter Alumnae Association was formed by the Alumnae Leslie Chareunsab, Mindy Chuong, Vicky Chuong, Julie Nguyen, Pahoua Vang, Tracy Vo and Lydia Zhu in conjunction with the Active members Keller Basa, Emily Bui, Alyssa Forgy, Avonleigha Lee, Jane Nguyen, Cindy Ni, Thao Phan, Sarah Thao, and Jill Tang. The very first Alumnae Weekend was held on April 21, 2018, at the University of Iowa.